"The Spirit of Ramadhaan" Islamic Book free download pdf

"The Spirit of Ramadhaan" 

Download or read online Islamic book in English"The Spirit of Ramadhaan" by Hazrat  Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Patel Saheb and published by Madrasah  Ta’leemuddeenIsipingo Beach.

Islamic books in English pdf download
The Spirit of Ramadhaan

   Publisher Words:

 "The blessed  month of  Ramadhaan holds  a  very special  place in the heart of  every  Muslim and is  eagerly anticipated  by one  and all.  While most  people are  aware of  the abundant blessings, special mercies and  tremendous rewards  that are  on offer in  this auspicious period,  not all  manage to capitalize  on this opportunity and  improve their  relationship with  their  Creator during this  month of mercy.

  In this  regard,  it is the  pious servants  of  Allah  Ta‘ala  who truly understand the  objective of  Ramadhaan and  the crucial  role it plays in  the life  of a  Muslim.  They thus  value every  second of  this blessed month  and strive  to gain  maximum goodness  and blessings from  it. In order  for us  to benefit  in this  month and  make significant spiritual progress,  it is vital  for us to  have the  correct mindset  so that we  understand the  true spirit  of  Ramadhaan.

This booklet  is a  collection of  various articles  from the  Al-Haadi newsletter  of the madrasah  which were  written by  Hazrat  Moulana Muhammad  Ilyaas  Patel  Saheb  (dramat icbarakaatuhum).  It  is hoped  that  these  articles  will  assist  in  shedding  light  on  different dimensions  of  the  spirit  of  Ramadhaan."

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Brief Information about This PDF Book
Book Name: The Spirit of Ramadhaan
Writer: Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Patel
Publisher: Madrasah  Ta’leemuddeenIsipingo Beach
Language:            Urdu
Size:          5 MB
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